Last year I asked for a revolution. I’m sorry you weren’t able to make me one in time. This year, I hope you will have the time.
Since I last wrote to you, things have got worse as integrity and truth sets sail from England's shores. And with it, we are left to struggle with the lack of political choice, puzzle as to why religious buildings are converted into luxury housing and hold our breath as Democracy is sent to be archived next to Freedom of Speech. Amidst this state of confusion, the media scavenge on the carcass of justice. With all the disillusionment that this has created, should we really be surprised by the disturbing rise of the BMP at a time when X Factor offers a greater voting spectrum, OK magazine has become the modern day scriptures and money has been re-invented as the new Venus? Santa, you’re lucky some people still believe in you.
Yes, I know we have a new decade to look forward to. But as we teeter on the precipice of 2010, what do we believe in? That a text messaging service can confirm if our beloved is compatible. That our opinions are freely stated in the policing of 140 word tweets. That shoulder pads and leggings are here to stay for a little bit longer.
As the pretty lights of Facebook and Reality TV twinkle against the scaremongering of swine flu, we continue to try and live our tidy lives in this fairground of bewilderment. Love and faith have already become casualties of its charade. How long will it take until hope is corroded? Santa, before it is too late, please leave a touch of magic in our stockings this Christmastime to encourage us away from the gild of the carousels and point us towards the revolution of the coconut shy. May each coconut we claim renew our freedom and our humanity.
Reflections on the year that was 2009
Photo by Brigitta Schneiter on Unsplash