She was born on a Monday Though she feels like a Saturday. Mum and Dad couldn’t afford Champagne to wet her head, So instead – they made do with a Solar eclipse. Mum and dad marketed her. They gave her a posh name, you know One of those names that has to be Announced. That way people will Really know that she is Somebody. At school they branded her stupid; She became an academic. They forgot to cast her in the school Nativity; She became an actor. Maybe she should’ve been born on a Tuesday. She could’ve been born on a Sunday. But she wasn’t ready to move on so Monday it was. A pity though, Sunday people have all the luck. All she has is a fair face and Vertigo. ------------------- Reference: Poetry: Musings on an old childhood Nursery Rhyme : Monday’s child is fair of face, Tuesday’s child is full of grace, Wednesday’s child is full of woe, Thursday’s child has far to go, Friday’s child is loving and giving, Saturday’s child works hard for a livin...
The remarkable in the ordinary